A group of hybrids developed by B. Y. Morrison at Pass Christian, Mississippi following his retirement from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Clones were first introduced in 1964 and registered 1964-65.

The breeding work is largely an extension of work with the Glenn Dale Hybrids based on a continuing interest in late blooming and double flowering clones. 124 flats of seedlings were moved from Maryland to Morrison s home, Back Acres, in Mississippi in 1951. Over 500 crosses were made with 370 numbered clones selected for testing and evaluation. Many of the unnamed numbered clones are still being grown and evaluated by collectors and friends.

Foliage is of heavy texture and tolerant of high air temperatures. The flowers are of equally heavy texture and generally appear in mid to late midseason. The plants with a few exceptions are as cold resistant as the Glenn Dale Hybrids-zone 7a, but the flowers are not as cold resistant.

'Apricot Honey' (('Kagetsu X Indicum) X ('Mucronatum >< Kaempferi) X 'Tamasugata ): Light center between strong pink and
white, margins broad between strong and deep pink, dots almost vivid red, 2 to 2-",2 to 3 in head; upright, 30" in about 10 years.

'Badinage' (('Vittata Fortunei' X 'Mucronatum') X (Kaempferi >< 'Shinnyo no Tsuki' )): irregular white center, broad margin of strong purplish pink washed with strong pink, double, 21/2--3", 4' high and broad in 10 years.

'Bergerette' ('Seedling #32666 X( 'Musashino'): tinted white, washed from edges of petals between vivid pink and light yellowish pink, towards white, dots inconspicuous but a little darker, 2--21/2"; tall in ten years.

'Bouffant' ('Dream ('Mucronatum' X 'Simcil' pink clone) X 'Gunrei'): near white margin shading inward to strong purplish pink in center, dots small but distinct reddish purple, 2--21/2", 2 to 3 per head; 36" tall and wide in ten years.

'Bourdon' (('Vittata Fortunei X 'Warai Gishi') X 'Pluto'): deep to moderate purplish red, dots darker, double, pistil usually present, 9 to 12 petals, 11/4--11/2", early, 4' in 10 years.

'Brides Bouquet' (('Warai Gishi X 'Kagetsu ) X 'Rogetsu' ): white, double, 15 to 20 petals, pistil normal, 2--21/2", early; columnar habit.

'Cayenne' (('Vittata Fortunei' X 'Warai Gishi' ) X 'Pluto'): deep yellowish pink, dots purplish red, buds almost vivid red, double, 12 to 16 pointed petals, 11/2--13/4"; early; 4' rounded in 10 years.

'Cora Brandt' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): strong reddish orange, with brownish dots, double, 12 to 20 petals; late 3' tall in 10 years.

'Coral Ace' ('Troubadour' X #158057): white center, margin brighter than moderate red, dots darker 21/2 2".

'Corinne Murrah' ('Kagetsu X ('Hazel Dawson X Indicum)): white center, shading to margin of strong to deep purplish pink, ruffled, 3 to 3", late midseason; 4' in 10 years.

'Crescendo' (Parentage unknown): between strong to moderate reddish orange, double, 10 to 16 petals, imbricated, late. Probably not available.

'Debonaire' ('Copperman' X 'Hakata Shiro'): vivid pink, edges deep pink; center lighter and faintly greenish, 21/2 to 3"; 3' in 10 years.

'Elise Norfleet' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): light pink in center, wide border of vivid red, dots darker, 2 to 21/2", variable until plants mature; 3' in 10 years.

'Encore' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): deep purplish pink, undertone of yellow, dots not conspicuous, double, 14 to 18 petals, 2" to 3"; 31/2 X 4' wide in ten years.

'Extravaganza' (seedling #32629 X 'Tama Sugata'): variable, white, heavily striped flaked and dotted strong reddish purple, overlapping petals 3 to 31/2"; 41/2 X 3' wide in ten years.

'Fire Magic' (('Vittata Fortunei' X 'Warai Gishi ) X 'Pluto'): deep yellowish pink, dots vivid red, double, 16 to 22 narrow pointed petals, 1 to 11/2"; 4' tall in 10 years.

'Folksong' (Seedling 36/45 X 'Shikuno'): white, heavy showy dotted blotch of deep pink occasional tinting and rare stripe between purplish pink and moderate red, overlapping petals, 2 to 2"; 2' tall in 10 years.

'Friendship' ('Kagetsu' X 'Copperman'): deep purplish pink, dots slightly darker, petals overlapping, 23/4 to 3"; mid to late.

'Garnet Royal' (('Vittata Fortunei' X 'Warai Gishi' ) X 'Pluto ): moderate purplish red, toning to grayish red, base lighter, double, 16 to 20 petals, 11/4 to 13/4"; early; 4' in 10 years.

'Gratitude' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): strong purplish pink, few dots of reddish purple, double, 10 to 15 petals, imbricated, late; low, spreading; 14 X 24" wide in 10 years.

'Habanera' ((Indicum orange clone X 'Hatsusime') X 'Tama Sugata'): irregular white center, margin strong reddish purple, conspicuous blotch purplish red, 2 to 21/4", twiggy; 4' in 10 years.

'Hearthglow' ('Kagetsu' X ('Warai Gishi'): deep yellowish pink, flushed, strong reddish orange from center, double, 10 to 15 petals, imbricated, late; 4' in 10 years.

'Heigh-Ho' (Seedling #32629 X 'Tama Sugata'): deep purplish pink, conspicuous blotch across 2 upper lobes of vivid to deep purplish red; overlapping lobes, 21/2--3".

'Heirloom' ('Kagetsu' X Seedling 32666 (indicum X 'Hazel Dawson')): white center, margin vivid purplish red, dots in blotch conspicuous; 3"; 4 ft. in 10 years.

'Ivan Anderson' (('Warai Gishi' X 'Horaku') X 'Kokoku'): white center, margin of vivid to deep, purplish red, double, 10 to 15 petals, some petaloid, 2 to 2"; 2' in 7 years.

'Keepsake' ('Kagetsu' X Seedling 32666 (indicum X 'Hazel Dawson)): white, margin vivid purplish red, conspicuous dots in blotch; 2 to 3 /4"; 41/2 X 3' wide in 10 years.

'Largesse' ('Kagetsu X 'Warai Gishi'): strong purplish pink, few dots on base of upper lobes, double, 15 to 20 petals, 2"; 4' in 10 years.

'Lost Chord' ('Dream X Luna ('Mucronatum >( simsii) X (Kaempferi X 'Shinnyo no Tsuki )): margin strong purplish pink, center pale purplish pink, distinct dots in blotch, 10 stamens, 3"; columnar; 5' in 10 years.

'Malaguena' (('Vittata Fortunei )< 'Warai Gishi') X ''Pluto'): deep yellowish pink, dot on upper petal vivid purplish red, double, 12 to 16 petals, pistil present, 11/4--11/2".

'Margaret Douglas' ((Indicum X 'Hatsushimo') X 'Shinsei') : large center area light pink, margin, deep yellowish pink, 23/4--3"; 4' in 10 years.

'Marian Lee' ('Kagetsu' X ('Hazel Dawson' X Indicum)): white center with tint of purple; border strong red, dots in blotch not conspicuous, 21/2--3"; 4' in 10 years.

'Marion Armstrong' ('Kagetsu' X ('Warai Gishi'): deep yellowish pink, few dots, double, 14 to 20 petals, 21/2"; 5 X 31/2' wide in 10 years.

'Maude Jacobs' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi' ): strong reddish purple, few dots, double, 15 to 20 overlapping petals, pistil present, 3 to 31/4; low 24 X 24" in 15 years.

'May Blame' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): light purple, few dots, double, 12 to 16 imbricated petals, pistil present, 2 to 3"; rounded, 3' tall in 10 years.

'Merrymaker' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): between strong and moderate reddish orange, double, 10 to 15 petals, 21/4--3/8"; late.

'Miss Jane' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): white center, border between light and strong purplish pink, double, petaloid stamens 2 to 21/2"; late, 2' in 10 years.

'Misty Plum' ('Kagetsu' X seedling 32666 (indicum X 'Hazel Dawson')): white, margins, vivid purplish red, dots purplish red with greenish wash in blotch, 21/2 to 2"; funnel-shaped.

'Moresea' (('Vittata Fortunei' X 'Warai Gishi') X 'Pluto'): deep purplish pink, dot purplish red, double, 15 to 20 petals, 11/4--11/2", early; 4' in 10 years.

'Orange Flare' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): vivid pink at base of petals, tips between deep pink and deep yellowish pink, double petals narrow and cut to base, tassel-like form, 21/2-- 3"; dwarf; 18" in 10 years.

'Painted Tips' (Seedling 79/49 (Seedling 38/45 X( 'Cavendish') X 'Shinnyo no Tsuki'): off white, with flush of vivid pink near tips, that are blotched with spots of deep yellowish pink, blotch distinct but not showy, 5 stamens, 2 to 3"; late; low spreading 20" in 10 years.

'Pat Kraft' ('Copperman X 'Hakatashiro'): vivid red, dots purplish red, often 6 lobes; 3 to 3", very late; 20" to 21/2' tall in 10 years.

'Rachel Cunningham' (Seedling 32619 X 'Pluto'): deep yellowish pink to vivid red at center, double, pistil present, 17 to 20 petals, 2 to 3"; 4' tall in 10 years.

'Red Slipper' (('Andros' X 'Parade ) X 'Keisetsu'= ('Vittata Fortunei' X 'Warai Gishi') X (Kaempferi X 'Mucronatum') X 'Keisetsu'): strong purplish red dots purplish red, 5 stamens, some petaloidy, 2 to 3"; 24" in 10 years.

'Rejoice' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): between light and deep purplish pink, few purplish red dots, double, 15 to 20 broad overlapping petals, 21/2 to 3"; 4' in 10 years.

'Rose Brocade' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): deep purplish pink, few purplish red dots, double, 15 to 20 broad overlapping petals, 21/2 to 3"; 4' in 10 years.

'Saint James' (Cross 23/45): deep yellowish pink washed with moderate reddish orange, blotches are purplish red, white center, 2 to 3"; 4' in 10 years.

'Spring Bonnet' (Parentage unknown): off white center, strong purplish pink to margin, blotch area reddish purple, overlapping petals 2 to 2"; open habit, 4--5' in 10 years; excellent foliage.

'Starflre' (('Vittata Fortunei' X 'Warai Gishi') X 'Pluto'): deep pink, dots, purplish red, double, 16 to 18 petals 11/2 to 1--/8"; 4' in 10 years.

'Stormcloud' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): vivid reddish purple blotch purplish red at base, double, crest of irregular inner petals, some vestiges of anthers showing; 23/4"; 4' in 10 years.

'Target' (Parentage not reported): deep yellowish pink shading to vivid red, blotch strong red 21/2 to 23/4", late midseason; 4' in 10 years.

'Tharon Perkins' (Parentage not reported): deep pink to deep yellowish pink on margins, blotch vivid red dots, 2 /2 to 2"; late; 3' in 10 years.

'Waltz Time' ('Kagetsu' X 'Warai Gishi'): white center on mature plants, margin moderate red, double, 16 to 20 narrow petals, 22/3"; late; low, broader than tall.

'White Jade' ('Helen Gunning' X 'Rei Ro'): white, pale green flush on upper lobe, ruffled, 2/2 to 3"; 4' in 10 years.

The following Back Acres Azaleas are named but not registered. Some were seedlings given to friends by B. Y. Morrison and may have been named by them or others.

'Armstrong's White' (Named by Armstrong, introduced. by H. Hill): white, semidouble 3"; low, compact. 'B. Y. Morrison' (syn. 'B. Y. M'.; parentage unknown, introduced by H. Hohman): reddish orange, 21/2--3" late May, dense bushy; buds tender.

'Caroline Dorman': white with stripes, dots and splashes of light pink to purplish pink, variable single to double, 21/2"; low compact.

'Fred Lee': strong red 50A, semidouble, darker blotch, 21/2--3"; petaloidy in center often white, no stamens.

'Helen Hill': (Named by Armstrong, introduced H. Hill): pale pink center with variable margin or just tips of lobes deep yellowish pink, 23/4".

'Lila Stapleton': pale yellowish white, double to semidouble, imbricated; low, compact. Believed to have been named by Morrison and given to Mrs. Murrah.

'Louise Morrow': (sold by B. Y. Morrison to Morrow, named and introduced by Murrah): light pink, often with white center, 3--4".

'Margaret Slaughter': (believed to have been named by Morrison): light reddish orange, double, 21/2".

'Nils Hansen': (believed to have been named by Armstrong): white with purplish red stripes, semidouble, 21/2"; large trusses. Less hardy, zones 8--9.

'Stewart Armstrong': reddish orange, occasional white blotch, semidouble, 21/2".

'Takoma Park' ('Sheila' X 'Seattle White'; introduced by S. M. Armstrong, a close friend of B. Y. Morrison): white, yellow green blotch, crinkly, 3" across; mid May; hardy to 8F.

Sweet Pea Group: Rejects from the Glenn Dale Hybrids work; no numbers, light pastel shades, none named at present.

 from Galle's excellent book AZALEAS   Page 252