Gregory Bald - Overlooking Cades Cove
2006 ARS / ASA Convention Plant Sale
The Gregory Bald Azaleas
Although we will not have any clones of the Gregory Bald Azaleas in the plant
sale, we thought you might enjoy seeing some of these rare native
azalea hybrids that reside on the top of that mountain
in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. The native azaleas on Gregory Bald
are likely natural hybrids of four species that grow in the area, Rhododendron
arborescens, R. calendulaceum, R. cumberlandense, and
R. viscosum. They usually bloom in mid to late June and come in a broad
range of colors. Members of the Middle Atlantic Chapter ARS Species Study
Group have given many of these plants names that we use below. Realize
these are just to assist discussion and are not registered.